Friday, 10 February 2012

OK, that's enough of the white stuff.....

So we still have snow. It doesn't usually last more than a day here, but seriously sub zero temperatures all week have meant it's all still with us.

This in turn means I've had the kids at home all week as the buses aren't running and the schools are closed. They have now had enough of bracing walks in the cold and snowball fights etc.

Worst of all though, we haven't had any water in the house since yesterday morning, all the pipes out the back are frozen solid and not responding to the hairdryer treatment either.....So I've been melting snow to water the animals, which is hard work, you need a lot of snow just for one bucketful!

Today, after one more of those bracing walks, during which Sky did some skating.....

...but was otherwise happy to get out and about...
...we piled into the car and did a very careful 20kms an hour over to Tanya's, so we could all have a shower and I could fill up some bidons of water for the horses! Then we helped with sledding some water down to her horses....
....and when the farmer arrived with new hay we spent rather a long time stretching the new big bale haynet over it to hopefully slow down consumption a bit! Horses none too impressed with it.....


Martine said...

Know what you mean about "enough of the white stuff!"
I was hoping my daughter would ride Flurry while she's here next week but that's beginning to look unlikely :-(
Re you frozen pipes - our pipes at home (in Ireland) are not very far underground and froze during the Big Freezes of 2010 and 2011. To thaw them, we barrowed heaps of steaming manure from the muck heap and laid them along the ground where we knew the pipes were buried. Voila, 20 minutes later we had water again. But next day our drains froze...ick.
You may have to hairdryer (we used a painstripper!) to do the pipes where come out of the ground. Hope it works!
Bon chance!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Martine, the hairdryer has indeed been put to use! I now have water again, but had to get a nice man to come round and fix a couple of leaking taps afterwards.... :-/

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